
icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 09:30 - 18:30 icon_widget_image 2 Tskitishvili Str. 0178. Tbilisi, Georgia icon_widget_image (+995) 322 19 74 76 icon_widget_image
Construction-Rehabilitation of Substations

Numerous projects successfully completed by Energony are firm guarantee that we will build substations of any complexity with high standards.

The substation is one of the most important part in the energy infrastructure. It is a combination of transformers, power converters, control, protection and other auxiliary devices designed to receive, convert and distribute electricity generated by various sources.
Transformers located in substations provide voltage regulation. Step-up transformers increase the electrical voltage by reducing the corresponding electric power, while Step-down transformers reduce the output voltage by increasing the power proportionally. The need to increase the voltage is caused by the reduction of the active power losses of the transmitted electricity and the economy of the metal used in the transmission line wires. However, the higher the voltage, the more power transmission is possible over longer distances.
Energony has been rehabilitating and constructing substations since 2005. Through our qualified engineering team and well-maintained logistics base, we have all the necessary resources and ongoing development efforts to successfully complete projects.